Friday, December 20, 2013

10 Steps To Make Sure You DON’T Start Your Dream Business:

Hahahahahahahaha! You know that awkward moment when you laugh because you recognise the truth in something silly that you do???
Well brace yourself....
I read this blog post (below) a few months back and haven't stopped laughing since. 
If you DON'T want to start your dream business in 2014, my friend, legendary internationally recognised Biz Expert, Kate Byrne has got you covered. Here goes:

10 Steps To Make Sure You DON’T Start Your Dream Business:
1. DON’T clarify your vision.
Especially not one that makes your dream business feel so clear it feels almost real.
Whatever you do, definitely don’t vision board and absolutely don’t blueprint that shit.
2. DON’T set goals.
Yup. Goals are for peeps serious about going places. And if you do accidentally set goals, whatever you do make sure they aren’t really specific and measurable.
Goals like that, especially ones that use clear simple language and include actual numbers and dates, are dangerous action-inducing things.
3. DON’T make a plan.
If you’ve had a brain fart and somehow managed to craft a goal or two, DO NOT spend any time thinking about the steps you’d take to bring those suckers to life.
Don’t think about how long each step might take. Don’t think bout how much effort each one would be or any help you’d need along the way. And definitely don’t put those tasks in sequential order.
4. DON’T schedule in your priorities.
WOMAN! Whatever you do, DO NOT set aside time in your diary to do anything at all that might be linked to you moving towards your dreams. Not even 15 minutes a day. Seriously.
A focused 15 minutes is a dangerous thing. 105 minutes a week. 5460 minutes a year. It’s fucking heaps of time really.
Imagine how much you could create in all that delicious time.
Stop. Sit on your hands if you have to.
5. DON’T take action.
I can’t emphasise how much you should stay away from taking actual action if you want to protect yourself from success at any endeavour, including starting your dream business.
If you take action, especially action linked to a realistic plan that’s goal focused and underpinned by a rad vision, you might accidentally find yourself to be the creative entrepreneurial trailblazer you’ve been avoiding.
6. DO focus on how far away you are from where you’d like to be.
Focusing on this baby will keep you nice and overwhelmed.
There’s nothing like constantly focusing on this to make you feel exhausted and all what’s-the-point.
Whatever you do, don’t break the distance down into manageable baby steps.
Don’t reward yourself along the way.
And absolutely don’t even consider enjoying the journey.
7. DO constantly compare yourself to others.
This tip especially applies to comparing yourself to those who are more established than you right now.
If you always come off second best you know you’re doing it right.
Hours and hours trawling social media – especially hours when you could be creating or enjoying life away from the interwebs is the perfect way to try this.
Whatever you do, DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT, remind yourself that you’re comparing your start line to their mid way point.
8. DO believe the voice in your head that says you can’t do it.
If you do, ultimately you’ll be right.
And being right is pretty damn good… Maybe not as good as being thrilled and proving yourself wrong on this one… but still ok, right?
Believing that voice is a great way to stay right where you are, which I’m guessing is dream business free.
9. DO try to do everything at once.
As in yesterday. And if not yesterday, right now. Why?
A) Sustainable systems are for losers who want to set up a business that’ll support them instead of suck them dry,
B) that sense of overwhelm and panic is sure to break you sooner rather than later.
And if you’re broken without systems in place it’s gonna be MUCH harder to create your dream business (unless your dream biz involves having the fun sucked out of you, then by all means go for it!).
10. DON’T ask for help.
Instead try to figure out and do everything yourself and grind to a halt as soon as you,
A) don’t know what to do,
B) run out of time, or…
C) stop enjoying yourself.
I particularly recommend you don’t ask peeps already in your network OR experts for help.
It’s probably ok to just wonder if someone else could get the food shopping, help you put together a financial forecast, or be your accountability buddy. But whatever you do, definitely don’t ask.
So there you go babes. Your foolproof formula for success. As long as your idea of success involves NOT setting up or growing your dream business this year.
If you hold strong to each of these, I guarantee you won’t become the creative entrepreneurial business babe of your dreams.
You’re welcome!

Hi, I'm Kate (ok, Dr Kate Byrne actually), creator of Betty Means Business, and an internationally recognised expert in business development for trailblazing women consultants, coaches and other kickass service professionals.
In my own consulting firm I've worked with clients I love (who loved me right back), tripled my rates, commanded 5 figure days, and generated $50K+ months. And I'm excited to share my business secrets and shortcuts so you can too. (PS Have you downloaded my new eBook '3 Essential Done-For-You Scripts to Attract More Clients' yet? Get yourcopy now, it's FREE!)

***My fav step is number 8. Listen to that annoying unsupportive inner voice. For sure. 
****What is you fav? Let me know in the comments below, which one do you relate most too?

Monday, December 2, 2013


I know it’s only Monday but are you already longing for the weekend again? Back in the day when I worked in my office job I couldn’t wait for Friday to roll round. The relief was magic.  But then by lunchtime on Sunday the dread was already creeping back in.  So much of my week was spent dreaming of not being at work or dreading having to be. It was crazy.
Of course you may not hate your job like I did.  Not everyone who wants to start their own business hates their job. There are definitely people who love what they do but are itching to push themselves to the next level and try going out on their own.
If you aren’t one of the few who actually love their job it is possible that your Mondayitis symptoms could be caused by an underlying condition known as CADD.
What the hell is CADD I hear you ask? Well you’re about to find out. 
Meet Amanda Mac.  An reader who definitely suffers from CADD and whose not afraid to quit... all kinds of things.  She quit uni. She quit her relationship. She quit not one but several jobs. All in preparation for....  the ultimate quit!
Happy Reading
Big Love and adventures
Anthea (aka the just do it girl) xx

I have never liked working for other people.
I have something I call Career Attention Deficit Disorder (CADD).
From a very, very young age I had this idea in the back of my mind that I was destined for something huge. At the age of 6 I started my own business encouraged by my mother. We made incredible homemade ice cream and sold them in litre tubs to neighbors in the street, then branching out on my own I began to look into other low cost avenues that utilized the skills that I already had.
Origami. 20c a piece of your choosing in your favorite color. I would sell them out of a decorated tissue box in the playground at school. There were kids who loved it! And there were kids who hated the fact that I was making money off of something so simple. They would question me; I mean really who was I to be selling folded paper at a profit to people who desired the product?
Oh, wait a second... I was the one who thought to do it, that’s who I was.
Years passed and jobs did too (sometimes 3 at a time). I got through years 10, 11 and 12 preparing for University at the same time as completing a hairdressing apprenticeship AND working in three nightclubs Thursday to Sunday from sunset to sunrise. 
I got through with a score high enough to get into any course I chose, did what I was told to do and went to University. 

That first year I was not happy. I put on weight, I was going out partying a lot, and nothing felt right. I still got high marks and breezed through the course. But 
I knew I wasn’t happy, and I started making changes. I started going to the gym, quit drinking, and over all dropped 20kg. Two things came out of this:
1 - I remembered my love for sport, and pushing my physical limits.
2 – I realised that I am attractive, and that in itself was marketable.
Much to my parents dismay I quit university, began working in a gym, and started modeling. 

They saw this as failure.
I saw opportunity.
The modelling was taking up every weekend – and I was loving it! I started on reception at the gym, but slowly as I collected qualifications and experience my roles expanded: Reception, gym floor, Spin instructor, Food Coach, Personal Trainer and then one day the owner was visiting and asked if I wanted to do sales.
In December that year my name finished at number 1 for the franchises sales nationally.
Three months later I quit that gym with a days notice. The manager (a frightening combination of greed, selfishness, and negativity) had been telling me that I was too skinny, and the phrase “ You look like a sick dog” passed her lips a few times.
I knew that for the past 18 months I had been used, pushed to my limits, and although I loved the work I was doing I knew the harassment would go by without being dealt with, and I had been putting my heart and soul into the place for $25 an hour. I moved on.
Time passed and so did other jobs:
Gym management – under paid and over worked.
I left.
Functions Management – Heaps of fun but under paid and over worked.
I left.
There was a pattern that was doing my head in; I couldn’t cope working for someone else. I knew I was incredible at what I did. And could excel in any field, and yet I couldn’t hold down a job? There had to be something wrong with me. 
I thought I was a failure. 
I just went back to modelling.
Then an actual real life miracle happened, though I didn’t know it at the time. A successful entrepreneur snapped me up from mediocrity and made me her sales person! Apprenticed me if you will.
The coolest part – she found me through Facebook!
I started off with $700 programs, 10% commission. It was hard work for 70 bucks but I could do it while travelling, next to the pool, in a cafe. Really where ever. She moved me up to selling a $9000 product – business coaching, and got me involved in the course at the same time. I was killing it and loving every second of it. 
One day after many sleepless nights and crying on the shower I woke up and realized I was sick of Canberra, sick of my life (duh) and not happy in my relationship… My boyfriend at the time was everything that I hated but thought that I was “meant to be with”... except for the fact that his biceps were huge, I liked that part.
So I left him. And straight after leaving him I set an end date for myself to escape mediocrity – escape Canberra. I was going to have it all by Boxing Day. I was going to quit my life.
So I created a plan, looking at what I was awesome at – Sales, Marketing, working with Fitness Professionals and, Monetizing pretty much any idea into a saleable product.
The entrepreneur had trained me in coaching for her business, and I was assistant coaching under her brand, so with her help I launched myself as a Biz and Marketing coach for Fitness and Health Professionals wanting to break into the online world. And it EXPLODED. People saw that I was awesome at what I did, and they wanted a piece of it. Clients within a week!! 
All the years of quitting jobs has paid off. In the end it was all just practice for the biggest challenge I have faced: Quitting the life I didn’t love and creating my own perfect reality. Feeling the fear and doing it anyway, because in the end – your beliefs are your reality, and if you create new beliefs you can design a perfect reality.
The only limits that exist are the ones we impose on ourselves, 
Amanda Mac, Xx
PS. If you are in the health, fitness or wellness industries and you are ready to step up and start creating the life YOU want and taking your biz to a global scale online, hit me up! I am offering 5 free Biz strategy sessions to I Quit My Job followers. These sessions are designed to create clarity on your next step into entering the online world and show you how you can turn your annual income into a monthly passive income stream. Get yours HERE

Friday, November 15, 2013

How to start a million dollar business for $1500.

When you are starting out it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Things can seem bigger than Ben Hur when really they don’t have to.

The simpler you can be the better.  You don’t have to start out with all the bells and whistles.  Thinking I needed a factory or a café to start my chai business was one of the beliefs that held me back for years.

In the end I just need a table, a stove, some pots!

You don’t have to start where you are going to finish. By that I mean you don’t have to be perfect and polished, have all the right gear, the location, the huge list of clients etc etc.

That’s why I wacked up in Blogger (for free!) and on facebook (for $5 logo design) to show you don’t need all the bells and whistles.

Just test things out first and get a feel for what people want and what direction you want to move in, before you spend up big.

Apparently there is even a fancy pants name for this approach – it’s called minimum viable product.   

One of our iquitmyjob readers Paul Smart (who told me about MVP) is totally walking the talk.

He said no thanks to the typical six years and 1 million bucks it takes to start up a winery and instead got his wine business up and running for $1500! Thanks for coming!!! 

Read on below to find out how he did it. It’s definitely an out of the box strategy that just might work for you too!

Happy Friday (yes I know it’s not Wednesday when I was supposed to write, better late than never yeah?!?) 

Big Love
Anthea (aka the just do it - even if it's late - girl) xxx

Here is Paul's awesome strategy for you to enjoy....

I blame Todd Sampson - by Paul Smart

My name is Paul Smart (@VineyardPaul) I have been a professional wino for almost 15 years.  I have always wanted to work for myself but to do that in the wine industry is very challenging.  The going rate to buy a vineyard is about $1,000,000, but you could buy a rural house, plant some vines and wait 6 years for booze, and then a few more to make some money.  These options did not appeal to me; I did not want to be beholden to the bank, I wanted more for less.

I started listen to podcasts while pruning in the vineyard (do you know how boring pruning can be) and one podcast took my fancy.  It was full of fantastic, wonderful, great ideas from inspiring small business people.  It is the podcast by Timbo Reid, who is a fountain of knowledge and he has a back catalogue of over 150 episodes.  While devouring most of these episodes I discovered two ideas that I thought were novel and not used in the wine industry.  The first was Lean Startup Strategy ( and the other was crowdfunding ( 

Great, awesome, I had the idea and started doing what everyone else does, spreadsheets (go on, put your hand up).  I found myself spending hours and hours perfecting the perfect spreadsheet business plan, a perfect way to not make anything happen.

And that was when I heard Todd Sampson ( speak at the Australian Wine Industry Tech Conference in July.  I love his work and am a big fan and was looking forward to some marketing gold.  But he surprised me when he spoke not about marketing but about two unrelated things, fear and action.  Did you know that he climbs the world’s highest peaks in his spare time?  Sounds like he is a brave man, well he says he is not:

            “I am not braver than anyone else, but I can be brave for 5 minutes longer”
                                                                                    Todd Sampson

Boom.  People talk about the light bulb moment, I think I had one.  From then on everything is 5 minutes longer.  Fear can be overcome by action, a mountain climber near death can always take one more step.  I signed up to a Masters in Wine Business.  I started training for my first marathon.  I sleep less.  I use a standup table.  I consume podcasts at 110% speed.  I am a Getting Things Done ( blackbelt ninja using  But more importantly, I decided to start my business right then.

I had to start small as I had no money, so we pulled apart a wine business and said no to everything.  No vineyard, we would be like French wine negociants and source bulk wine or grapes and put it under our own label.  No website, no business cards, no fancy label design, no t-shirts (yet), the bare basics, $1,500 to start up, and most of that for the Liquor License.  And we worked out that we needed to sell 20 cases to break even, and it had to be all or none, perfect for crowd funding.  We created a campaign on to get our 20 pledges. We found our label image from, for a fiver, and created a free Facebook page.  Just add a liquor license and a name and you have an online wine company.  The day we got our license we launched.  In the first 48 hours we had pledges for over half of the wine.  We have been totally overwhelmed.  This has been a 4 month project and to see that it might just work is an awesome feeling. 

What’s next?  To be profitable, that is number one.  We want to be profitable from day one so we never have to go to the bank.  We have some awesome good cats on our Facebook page and we are going to talk to them about what they want next.  We will find some more wine for them (they are thirsty cats) and setup a shop front online, maybe completely inside Facebook.  There is not much of a plan, we are lean, we can try, fail, learn, pivot and change direction.

Now I want you to do 3 things for me:
1.     Listen to Timbo Reid on the podcast, start with episodes #157, #153, #136 then #147
2.     Write a list of all the steps needed to start your business. 
a.     Prioritise them, and super charge them with a little GTD
b.     Think Lean, ask if it is truly needed, or is there a hack around it. Use the Handbag Rule
3.     Write the Todd Sampson quote on your wall
a.     “I am not braver than anyone else, but I can be brave for 5 minutes longer”
b.     Action cures fear

Thank you Anthea for letting me share.  Keep up the good work

Vineyard Paul

PS If you start your business NOW please let me know.